Thursday, June 12, 2014


Welcome to by blog page. Just a quick overview of my family and what i plan for my blog. Let's start with me. I was born August 6th 1991 in Oklahoma City. My birth mother Christina Long couldn't keep me for family reason, and father issues. She didn't want me growing up with a daddy so she put me up for adoption. Since then we have met actually and became great friends and I couldn't imagine my life without her now. Anyways, I was adopted September, Friday the 13th by Doug and Randee Baty. I had a normal childhood for the most part. I was homeschooled and my father was a minister so I grew up in the church. I did plenty as I grew up. I was on the swim team my freshmen year of high school, I took piano and guitar lessons ever since I was able to pretty much count. We moved to Parsons Kansas when I was 14 years old and that where I met Antonio Velasquez. He and his mother went to the church my father was preaching in. I pretty much had a crush on him the minute I laid eyes on him. We were pretty good friends throughout high school. It was new years eve just 20 minutes before 2010  when Antonio finally asked me out. We dated and enjoyed each others company. We grew together as a couple and learned things about each other that we liked and didn't like. November of that year I learned I was pregnant. It was kind of difficult for both of us. Since we are both Christians and believe in the Bible and the fact I became pregnant before marriage was kind of a rough thing for everyone. However, we decided to do the right thing and get married and raise our baby. We had planned getting married and having a family at some point anyway. We just saw it as starting a little sooner than we planned. We got married June 19 2011 and on June 28th I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. We named her Madelyn Landis. We were so in love with our daughter and picked up on being parents very quickly. I breast-fed for the first 3-4 months and we both took turns changing diapers and getting up with her in the middle of the night. December of 2011 I was hanging out with my best friend/ cousin in law and said I felt pregnant. So for kicks we went to the store and got a pregnancy test while Antonio was at work and I took it. Sure enough, the test came back positive. August 4th 2012, I gave birth to another beautiful baby girl whom we named Maya Faye. It took alot of time to adjust to being young parents of now two babies who were just 13 months apart. Both pregnancies took a huge toll on me and my body. I was told by my doctor that I could not afford to get pregnant again for at least 3 years or I would have to terminate or pretty much live in the hospital. Since I am exteremly pro-life I got Mirena put in to insure I wouldn't have anymore pregnancies. The date is now June 12th 2014. Antonio's and my wedding anniversary is next week and Madelyn will be turning 3 in a few short weeks and our baby Maya will be 2 in August. It's so overwhelming how fast they grow up. They are both so smart, polite, caring, and just all around great kiddos. My plan for this blog is to share stories of the good, the bad, and the ugly of parenthood.